Head, Laboratory of Molecular Recognition and Chemical Senses Member of the Academic Committee, Multidisciplinary Center for Cannabinoid Research
Research Interest: Molecular recognition and Structure-based ligands discovery; polypharmacology; chemoinformatics, promiscuity and selectivity of ligands and receptors.
Bone Marrow Transplantation, Cancer Immunotherapy & Immunobiology Research Center
Research Interest: The influence of different cannabinoids on hematopoiesis after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The use of different cannabinoids and cannabis products as a treatment for Graft versus host disease.
Read more about Reuven Or M.D.
Head, Palliative Service at Hadassah Medical Center Member of the Academic Committee, Multidisciplinary Center for Cannabinoid Research Head, Israeli Palliative care Group, ISCORT (The Israeli Society for Clinical Oncology and Radiation Therapy
Head of Laboratory Nutrient-Gene Interactions Chair (Co-Chair International M.Sc. Program in Nutrition)
Research Interest: We are interested in the chronic effect of THC in an obese setting, specifically how it impacts metabolic diseases associated with obesity.
Head, Biotechnology Lab Member of the Academic Committee, Multidisciplinary Center for Cannabinoid Research
Research Interest: Shoseyov laboratory has been working on NIR spectrometry, remote sensing and machine learning of cannabis chemical composition and genetic markes.
Head, Computational Chemistry, Modeling and Drug Design Unit Hans J. and Tilly Weil Chair in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Research Interest: Our lab focuses on understand fundamental questions such as affinity and reactivity in chemistry and biochemistry using different computational methods.
Head, Lab of Addiction Neuroscience Dr. Leon Deutsch and Dr. Mina Deutsch Chair in Psychopharmacology
Research interest: Understanding the molecular mechanism that underlies the neuroprotective effects of the cannabinoid system in different pathophysiological conditions.
Director, Clinical Pharmacy Experience Program, Division of Clinical Pharmacy, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Head of the Continuing Education Unit, School of Pharmacy, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Research Interest: Potential drug interactions with cannabis, Continuing Pharmacy Education on the topic of cannabis to health care professionals
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